Thursday, January 31, 2013

Product Launching - 5 Best Ways to Product Launching

If you want to introduce your new product in the market, you have to make it in a way that it will create a buzz among your potential clients. One of the best ways to do that is through product launching. This event will help you make your unveiling more memorable not only to your customers but also to the industry leaders. Here are the 5 ways to keep in mind to succeed in this endeavor:

1. Create and distribute a press release. Prior to the actual launching, write a press release announcing the unveiling of the newest addition to your product line. Make your press release compelling so your potential clients will look forward to using your product. In addition, submit this press release to various PR sites to make sure that it will reach your potential clients.

2. Put up teasers on your website. Pique your online visitors' curiosity by placing teasers on your web page. Tickle their imagination by creating series of teasers that target their wants, needs, or even their pre-needs. They will surely look forward to your product if they feel that it will solve their pressing issues.

3. Run TV ads. If your target market is not frequent internet users, you can run your ads on national TV.

4. Put up a separate website for your new product. In this website, you can post articles about your new product highlighting its features and benefits. Dedicate a portion of your website where interested visitors can ask their questions or post their suggestions.

5. Test your product using control group. To make sure that your product is ready for launching; have it tested by a small number of people to get feedback, recommendations, and suggestions. Take each one seriously as it will help you to come up with a better product for your launching.

Best Product Launching - 5 First Steps to Get Started With Product Launching

Product launching is one momentous event for any company. It marks the beginning of finally generating profit from the product that was recently created. If you want your product to fare well in the market, you have to make sure that it creates a big buzz among your target market. You can easily do this by making sure that your product launching is a huge hit! But how can you exactly do that? Here are the 5 first steps to get you started with product launching:

1. Inform your target market about your product launching. You can post an announcement on your website about your product launching. Be sure to include pertinent information like the date, time, your guests, endorsers, and most importantly the benefit that your target market will get once they attend this exciting event.

2. Encourage your target market to attend. Give them freebies or huge discounts in exchange of their attendance. Or you can run a raffle or exciting games where participants will get great prizes. This will definitely boost the number of your visitors.

3. Advertise your product launching to various websites. Identify the websites that are frequented by your target market and place a banner ad to announce the upcoming event. This is a great way to reach your potential clients without spending too much on advertising cost.

4. Send personal invitations. You can send your invitations through postal mail to add a personal touch. This gesture will surely be appreciated by your potential clients and may convince them to attend the event.

5. Hire some help. Product launching can be very taxing and time-consuming. To make sure that all tasks will be done on time, hire some people and delegate. You will not be able to do it alone.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

How Can I Create a Buzz About My Information Product to Have a Super Profitable Launch?

This article is about launching your next information product. There are a few key things you need to do before the day of your big launch and if you skip them, your product could fall flat on its face. Read more to find out how you can have the biggest launch possible.

Here are 5 things that you need to do in order to have a successful information product launch:

1. You need to have a large enough list to make the product launch worthwhile. Do a little math and think about how big your list is and how much money it could bring in if you closed a certain percentage (go conservative and pick 1%). If you list is small, no matter how big of a launch you do, it won't bring in much money.

2. You need to contact people approximately 7 times before they make a buying decision. If you start contacting them just a day or two before the launch, you won't get nearly as many sales as you would if you built the buzz over time.

3. Create a separate email capture list and send people to it. This way you can tell if there is potential interest right away. You can market separately to this list more heavily while you continue along business-as-usual with your other list.

4. Don't over-hype your launch, just let people know that you r product is coming and let them know how it will solve their most troubling problem better than any other widget out there.

5. Don't sound desperate. If it seems like you are begging for the sale, your customers will notice and return the favor by NOT buying anything. You need to be confident and write with the attitude that it doesn't matter if they buy or not.

What Are the Essential Ways to Launch a New Product?   Promotional Strategies For Products   How to Sell Personal Development Products Online - A Reiki Case Study   How to Do the Best Product Launch   Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   

7 Secrets For Promoting Your New Album

Promoting your new album is hard, especially in this turbulent world of the music industry. Fans have so many choices, and there are so many artists that even the top ones are finding it difficult to find mass appeal. So how do you stand out?

1. Prolong the release date of the album as long as possible to get more hype. This technique has been used a lot lately, especially in the rap industry. Artists claim their album will come out a certain date, and just prolong the album to get more attention and coverage. Eminem did this, and it worked great for his album, Relapse, which debuted at #1 Billboard chart after selling 608,000 copies in the first week.

2. Get your music on iTunes. Putting your name on iTunes for many fans will make you appear more official, or legitimate. Even if you don't think you will sell a lot, appearing on iTunes is a great marketing strategy for yourself to get your name, and sound out there.

3. Give people an incentive to buy your album, other than the music. If you plant prizes in your album (i.e. concert tickets, money, autographs, etc.), that will add to more album sales and exposure for your new album. Also, including other parties for your prizes, like giving away a gift card to Guitar Center, will possibly open up more doors and connections with those companies. Chamillionaire is a pro at additional incentives for his fans. You can see this with his new album, where he is giving away select albums with special artwork, and $100 to those that win his contest.

4. Appeal to a wider variety of crowds. If you limit your crowd base to one type people, you will get much less exposure and fans, thus, less album sales. If you can appeal to many types of people, from all kinds of backgrounds, you will get a much larger fan base and album sales. MJ was a master at this, as he broke nearly all the boundaries of genres and crowds and still to this day has the #1 selling album of all time.

5. Your music needs to be catchy. You can't have sales without a good product. Thriller is one of the best sounding albums as well. No matter how much hype, or marketing you have, you must have a good sounding album to get sales.

6. Overall look and theme of the album can draw fans. Your album's theme, cover and the overall look of you (or your group/band) can have a influence on whether or not someone buys the album- especially at stores. If you, the name, or the album look cool people may buy it for that reason alone.

7. Be able to rock live performances. A great live performance will not only give a greater appreciation for your music, but it can also be the birthplace for more fans to appreciate your music and check you out. If I ever see a band that is amazing live, I always want to see what they can do in a recording studio. Are there other ideas that we have missed out? Let us know in the comments!


What Are the Essential Ways to Launch a New Product?   Promotional Strategies For Products   How to Sell Personal Development Products Online - A Reiki Case Study   How to Do the Best Product Launch   Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   

Is it Time to Hire a Product Launch Company? If So, Who Do You Hire?

Is it time to hire a product launch company?

A product launch is when you build up a massive buzz and launch your product with the goal of making 100s if not 1000s of sales on launch day. But are you ready to take this leap?

You may have heard of many internet marketers (and now non-internet based companies) doing million dollar days. The truth is they may have made a million in a day --- but they spent a lot of time and effort leading up to that day.

While making millions in a single day (or even hundreds of thousands) is not unrealistic --- the real question is are you ready?

The first question is: have you got a product that solves a problem in the marketplace? If your product or solution is going to solve a problem for a target market you've passed this check point. If not, you need to do some market research for problems in your market (use book reviews as a good place to start, and then search Google for the problems you find in

The next question is: do you have a list (aka an audience) that you can launch this product to. This can be your list or it can be a partners list (or a non competitive company's list who shares an audience that needs the solution your product solves. If yes, you've passed this check point. If not you need to make a list of companies that cater to services that come before, during, or after people would buy your product and contact them for a cross promotion.

The next question is: are you going to do this in house or are you going to hire it out. If you are going to do this in house you need people on your team. You will need someone who is a good copywriter, a good market researcher, a technical expert (video production, web production, shopping cart setup etc), a customer service agent, and a joint venture manager (who tracks down and keeps up relations with list partners). Doing all of this yourself can be a lot of work and learning --- and when you do pull it off you'll make a lot of money.

If you aren't doing this yourself and you've passed the first 2 checkpoints you're ready for a product launch company. So what do you need to look for before hiring one?

1. A track record for copywriting. Notice I didn't say product launches? This is because if you find launch company who have a track record of writing great sales letters, odds are they are going to do a good job for the launch process (which is really mostly copywriting based on market research). Of course, if they have a launch track record then by all means probe them deeper on it. A good question to ask if they have done a launch is "what went wrong" and if they start complaining that's a red flag. But if they give you an honest answer and then tell you what they learned and how they will approach the situation in the future that's a major sign you're talking to a pro or a highly skilled amateur.

2. When you get on the phone with a prospective company, listen to how the call goes. If you find the person you talk to is not asking you questions like "how big is your list", "what products have you launched before","how determined are you to complete this project" that's a major red flag. Why? Because the company who helps you launch your product is almost always going to get most of their fee based on performance (and a modest up front fee as well which is another flag I'll tell you about next) then they need to interview you and see if you're worth their time. If you find the person you talk to is just trying to sell you on them and how good they are, drop'em, they don't understand good market research (since they can't even ask the right questions to their own prospects how do you expect them to find the right answers for your marketplace product launch?).

3. An upfront fee and back end performance fees. A good company will always ask for an appropriate upfront fee and also want a sizable piece of the sales based on performance. If they don't ask for an upfront fee odds are they are new and inexperienced (and if you have a serious launch on your hands you'd best avoid them). Why is it important they require an upfront fee from you? Because it means they understand that you need to have skin in the game. When you invest your money they know you'll almost certainly follow through with this project (and that means they will get their performance based fee).

So there you have the checkpoints of whether it's time to launch a product, and the signs you can look for when considering an outside product launch company to help you.

What Are the Essential Ways to Launch a New Product?   Promotional Strategies For Products   How to Sell Personal Development Products Online - A Reiki Case Study   How to Do the Best Product Launch   Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   

Wholesale Business - Selling Undergarments Can Be a Great Option

In any wholesale business it is very natural that you will be subjected to having variety of products as every age group of any race, sex are always in a lookout for new and the latest. This also applies in the fashion business. The wholesale trading is very dependable due to such quest. In order to succeed in this industry you would require having the latest trends.

Compared to other stereotypes women are the most fastidious. They always scan out online stores, check magazines to get the hottest and the trendiest. From accessories to tops till undergarments they seek them to be the trendiest. Each women buys according to their personality and their preference. So opening a wholesale undergarment store is a reliable trade. Women tend to amplify their sex appeal through undergarments. This is why it is ideal to consider an women undergarments in your wholesale clothing business. It is the most profitable clothing product for a wholesale clothing business.

Women invest a lot for their lingerie and undergarments. They want to feel comfortable on the inside and also something that makes them reflect their personality. Proper fitting can boost their overall appearance. So you can understand how important undergarments are for women. You would be surprised to see how many varieties of undergarments you can offer for sale to your customers. Apart from the usual panties and bras you can offer sleepwear, nightshirt, girdles and camisoles. You should keep in mind that you have to offer the latest and the trendiest and comfortable and above all affordable undergarments for your clients. Women always tend to seek the latest and always are in need of acquiring the most personifying undergarments.

With such a demand you could imagine how much profiting an undergarment business are these days. It is always a good idea to research on fashion magazines and keep up to trend. You should keep in mind that in order for a successful business you should provide reasonable pricing and comfortable to wear undergarments. Women would always be in need for trendy underwear and so in my opinion it is a good idea to keep underwear a part of your clothing business.

What Are the Essential Ways to Launch a New Product?   Promotional Strategies For Products   How to Sell Personal Development Products Online - A Reiki Case Study   How to Do the Best Product Launch   Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   

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